Our Mission

Human Resilience is a Texas based, 501 c3 non-profit corporation seeking to build stronger communities by bringing mindfulness and resilience training to those who serve, to those who are underserved and to those who may not otherwise have access to such services. Some of those who will be served are first responders, military veterans, public school teachers, elderly, abused, and those who are otherwise financially vulnerable.


Serving those who seek resilience...

We define resilience as the ability to "bounce forward" after an adverse event. Human Resilience raises funds for and connects people to services and programs designed to holistically improve health, enhance awareness & develop resilience to life's stressors.
First Responders

Law Enforcement Officers
Fire  / Rescue
EMT / Paramedics

Military Veterans

Active Duty

Public School Teacher



Senior Citizens

Trauma Survivors

Sexual Assault
Domestic Violence

Financially Vulnerable

Money should not be allowed to interfere with healing

SimplyAware, Boot Campaign and Human Resilience

Boot Campaign and SimplyAware have been partnering for veterans healthcare since 2022. This symbiotic relationship has proven incredibly beneficial for the veterans we have the honor of serving. In our decades of supporting veterans on their healing path, we have noted that the spouse and children are often left out of the healing process. This is where SimplyAware has asked Human Resilience to step in and provide support. Through the generous donations of our sponsors, Human Resilience is proudly able to provide SimplyAware wellness services to the family members of our veterans. While this project is in its early stages, the results have been nothing short of remarkable. Our holistic approach to individuals (caring for the mind, heart and body) are reflecting positively into the family units. This results in improved communication, increase patience and acceptance of each other as individuals and a more loving, cohesive family unit. We work to remind each family member that they all went to war and played their part in supporting the mission, as a unit.

Your Generous Donations Are Crucial to our Mission