A Medical Qigong Practitioner works to restore health by discerning, analyzing and correcting imbalances within a patient’s physical, mental and emotional levels.

Also referred to as Clinical Qigong this therapeutic practice uses Chinese Medical Theory and prescriptive Qigong training to harmonize the internal organs, while strengthening and balancing the autonomic nervous system. This also boosts immune system response, provides pain relief and hormone regulation. In addition, working to release deep-seated mental and emotional stress patterning is an important part of this beautiful, individually unique, healing journey.

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What Is Medical Qigong

Physical Level

The Medical Qigong Practitioner has advanced knowledge of anatomy, physiology and energetics which help guide their ability to recognize and influence energetic and physiological blockages related to scar tissue, myofascial adhesions, and other injuries. In clinic, the Practitioner is able to reestablish energetic flow through an injured area which may accelerate the healing process. Through prescriptive Qigong techniques, the Practitioner is able to train the patient in stabilizing and strengthening weakened areas, and releasing physiological blockages thus increasing fluid and energetic circulation, both of which are crucial to the healing process.

Mental Level

Medical Qigong recognizes and embraces the relationship between mental and physical well being. Consider that, universally, worry and chronic anxiety can elevate blood pressure, hijack your breath and damage digestion. Additionally, being unable to speak your truth often causes physiological and energetic blockages in the neck and jaw line leading to ear aches, chronic sore throats and grinding of teeth. The Medical Qigong Practitioner explores mental health as part of the healing path and works with the patient to identify and resolve mental imbalances through perspective shifting life coaching sessions, prescriptive Qigong techniques and meditation training.

Emotional Level

Medical Qigong recognizes and embraces the relationship between emotional and physical well being. Consider that anger elevates blood pressure, makes you feel restless and tense. Depression robs you of your energy and appetite while fear will immobilize you and constrict your circulation, leaving your extremities feeling cold. The Medical Qigong Practitioner explores emotional health as part of the healing path and works with the patient to identify and resolve emotional imbalances through perspective shifting life coaching sessions, prescriptive Qigong techniques and meditation training.

What Happens During a Typical Session?

Initial Consultation

Patients fill out detailed personal history forms which are discussed during the first consultation with the Medical Qigong Practitioner. From this conversation, the Practitioner can begin to gain perspective on the optimum healing path.

Table Work

Depending on the patient’s needs, the Medical Qigong Practitioner uses energetic discernment, Tuina bodywork and other myofascial release techniques to further refine where blockages and stagnation currently reside in the patient. This process offers deeper perspectives, further informing the healing path.


Once all information has been evaluated, the Medical Qigong Practitioner will offer insights into the observed energetic patterning and invite the patient to explore their inner most selves in between appointments. This often involves personal observation and prescriptive Qigong practice.

Follow Up Sessions

Follow up appointments involve a review of the patient's progress with homework and any perspectives gained through observation. Additional table work and Qigong practice refinement allows for deeper insights into next steps with treatments and homework.

A Medical Qigong Practitioner’s Path

Personal Training

Long term, instructor supported, personal Qigong training coupled with a desire to open the physical, mental and emotional parts of one’s self to healing.

Personal Cultivation

The process of identifying and working through physical, mental and emotional blockages under the guidance of a qualified instructor / clinician to refine one’s energetic signature.

Energetic Discernment

Once the practitioner is able to clearly identify and embrace their own energetic signature, they can then discern someone else’s energetic signature. This skill greatly informs a Medical Qigong Practitioner’s clinical path with a patient.

The Patient’s Role in Medical Qigong

Personal Commitment

Each of us is completely unique. Therefore our blockages are unique and you are the best source for information that will help you heal. A personal commitment to the process is necessary for this type of integrative practice to flourish.

Vulnerability / Openness

We routinely tell patients and students, as you practice Qigong, whatever is in your way will show up and ask for attention. It is up to you to “lean in” to the information instead of pushing it down or away.

Persistent / Consistent

When you are working to heal physical, mental and emotional wounds, gentle, persistent, consistent effort is needed. Not brute force. The results are powerful when you work with, not against your whole being.

Chronic Conditions

In the case of chronic or persistent patterns, the patient is encouraged and trained to develop a higher level of mindfulness. This helps determine how their physical and energetic bodies move out of harmony. A critical step in the healing process.

Three Guiding Principles


Purgation techniques work to remove physical, mental and emotional blockages allowing proper circulation to be restored on all levels. Often the patient is given prescriptive Qigong to aid in this process.


Once the affected area has been purged the Medical Qigong Practitioner will use various techniques to effectively boost the patient’s vitality to stimulate deeper healing. Often the patient is given prescriptive Qigong to aid in this process.


Regulation techniques and Qigong practices help to find one’s natural, unique balance. This allows for the resumption of optimal functioning within the physical and energetic bodies. Practitioners may also train patients prescriptive Qigong and therapeutic techniques to help maintain a state of regulation between clinical sessions.

Medical Qigong Therapy News and Information

F*@K New Years Resolutions

December 30, 2022

I was at a loss to understand why we start out with the best of intentions but somehow lose steam, and fade away in such a short time, until I started studying the 5 Element Model of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


February 7, 2022

Sifu Chris was recently interviewed for an article on Asian Bodywork Therapies for Massage Magazine.

The Powerful Sleeping Brain

March 5, 2020

This video demonstrates how the body flushes toxins out of the brain at night while we sleep. Ancient Medical Qigong texts and training describe this process as a pulsing of the spine and spinal fluid. This video demonstrates this to be true and a very powerful tool for keeping your brain healthy.

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