Fayne Bouguyon, LMT, NBC-HWC

From a young age, I can remember a sense of overwhelm from feelings I did not understand. I often found myself consoling close friends and family through their pain and suffering. Looking back now, helping them ease their pain prevented me from feeling it inside myself so much.

Over the years, I tried many ways of numbing the feelings of those around me until I figured out how to turn that part of me off. Then I became a mother and all that changed. The Empath door was open again. But this time, through my meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong training, I found a different way. In 1991, as part of my Kung Fu training, I was introduced to Tai Chi and Qigong. The stillness gave my heart a peace it had never truly felt before. My body-mind connection deepened to a level that, for the first time in my life, the overwhelm was gone. I felt a sense of power and confidence that gave me courage to step into my own light. I learned to manage chronic pain, quiet my mind, and listen deeply to my body.

As my Qigong practice deepened, I gained the internal strength to trust myself and feel safe in my body, maybe for the first time in my life. Each small success gave the me fortitude to continue the healing process in earnest. Setbacks had simply become lessons in going deeper. This is a journey I am still on today. Through my own healing journey, I have developed a deep compassion for those in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pain.

My "super power" is in helping people listen and learn about themselves; deeply. I use the many layers of my personal experience and breadth of training to provide my clients and students the perspective shifts and cultivation tools they need for their journey. Train with me and you will learn that the most powerful healing path, starts from within.

This "Heart Work" is my life's calling. Contact me to discover yours.


  • National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach - NBME
  • Master Certified Health Coach - Dr. Sears Wellness Institute
  • Licensed Massage Therapist - TDLR
  • Certified Professional Member - National Qigong Association
  • Certified Level II Tai Chi for Arthritis Instructor
  • Certified in Vibrational Sound Therapy / VST
  • Somatic Movement Therapist
  • BA in Psychology - Emory University
  • Magna Cum Laude - Emory University
  • Phi Beta Kappa - Emory University
  • Published Author


  • Lifestyle Management
  • Behavioral Health
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Relationship Dynamics
  • Mindfulness Training
  • Stress Management
  • Nutrition
  • Self-care
  • Tai Chi and Qigong Principles Training
  • Chronic Pain Management
  • Trauma Recovery
  • Memory & Thought Reframing
  • Postural Assessments
  • Structural Retraining / Realignment
  • Balance Training / Fall Prevention
  • Ergonomic Assessments
  • Seasoned Workshop Leader
  • Professional Speaker / Presenter